
What are the Top-10 Crypto currencies in 2019?


Bit coin (BTC)

Bit coin is a digital currency focused on block chain, a block chain system that you can learn more about here. While making online payments, Bit coin eliminates the need for traditional brokers such as banks and credit card companies, etc. You can do it directly without having to involve your banker but if you really want to charge 1 BTC to your friend Therefore, two terms would be distributed and digital to describe Bit coin. The goal is to create a fiat money alternative such as USD, GBP, JPY, etc. If you want to read more about bitcoin you can check out bitcoin era review.


Ethereum is a distributed block chain open-source network which enables smart contracts to be developed. Such independent systems are stored in the block chain and are available at any time to everyone.

Not only do they enable any resources running on Ethereum to be transferred, but they are also built on more complex distributed systems. We are seeing the rise of open applications for finance today, Decentralized applications for company and management, new types of market places and many applications that disrupt their Non fungible businesses.

Lit coin

Since its formation, Lit coin has been stable and reliable. It has a fairly large audience and is being followed actively. Lit coin teams tend to quickly implement any Bit coin technical evolution, such as Segwit and Lightning Network

Ripple (XRP)

Ripple is a very special crypto currency as it focuses on addressing only one industry-related issues Foreign Payment Transfers. It was formed in 2012 with the intention of fast and cheaper international transactions Ripple labs (the company behind Ripple) own 50 billion of the total number of 100 billion XRP that will ever exist.


Maker DAO is a DAI and MKR two token schemes. MKR is governance token whose value fluctuates across bid and demand, allowing its owners to vote on the Maker’s framework changes. To encourage them to make the right decisions, they are compensated by interest paid by lenders when they repay their DAIs to recover their collateral.


Decentraland is the most important project in the non-fungible token sector. Our opinion is that MANA has low intrinsic value as it is a token of payment. If bit coins, ether, or DAI can easily replace the token, then the value proposition is low. The LAND tokens are interesting, however, because they are non-fungible tokens that grant virtual world parcels ownership.


The marketplace of Augur’s forecast is based on Ethereum. Users are welcomed to trade with other nations based on the outcome of real time-stamp events (i.e. the result of a soccer game or referendum) that users can bet on with ether.


Tezos is a network that, like Ethereum, supports advanced smart contracts. Many aspects, however, are different from Ethereum. Tezos also advocates on-chain governance on the basis of a pure proof-of-stake design dubbed “Liquid Evidence-of-Stake”


In our short list, Cosmos is a new comer. Cosmos, which relies on the protocols of Tender mint, describes itself as the “Block chains Internet. Thanks to pre-designed Tendermint modules, it enables the development of individual block chains


Kleros is an Ethereum Block chain Federated Dispute settlement Protocol. Coin house was a profitable $2.6 million ICO partner which took place in early of 2018. Kleros developed and launched Ethereum Dapps ‘ JaaS (Juror as a Service) middleware platform to allow any application to request the Kleros protocol framework as a streamlined solution,
