8 Smart SEO Tips to run your Educational Blogs


SEO is important to generate traffic to your website and rank you better on Google. There are so many different tips and tricks on the internet that one may become overwhelmed that which one to follow and which one to avoid. And when running an educational blog, the right advice to SEO content can sometimes become hard to find.

Here are eight smart SEO tips that are guaranteed to take your educational blogs to the next level.

Linking to reputable sites and other blogs

Generating external links is important for your content. When you add links in your content to external sites, your readers remain engaged both in your blog and the linked content. The links must be to other blogs in a similar niche or reputable sites. This way, they might link you back and generate more traffic to your site.

Low bounce rate is good

Low bounce rate means that people who came to your site did not just click your link and went away, but they stayed around and read your content. A low bounce rate indicates that your content is good and is worth the time of the reader. This also ensures that you have proper keyword integration.

Put tags correctly

With proper tags, the search engines can easily know what exactly your blog is about. Make sure you put well-researched tags that are related to your content. Meta descriptions and alt-tags for images are also important for the success of your content.

Make use of social media

It is difficult to get an audience to your blog without properly advertising it. And one of the best ways to advertise your educational blogs is via the use of social media. With proper posts, your blog can reach thousands of people online who are interested in educational blogs like yours.

Blog regularly

Writing regularly is what differentiates you from your competitors. It is highly recommended that you write and upload at least three blogs per week if you can’t do it by yourself, use writing help online. It is even better if you can have dedicated days of upload so that your audience can be kept engaged with your blog and know exactly when the next content is coming online.

Put in visuals

Images and videos are good for the cosmetics of your blog as well as the high ranking in the search engines. Content with engaging visuals ranks better than content that is written without any multimedia content. Make sure to put in images and videos that are not copyrighted.

Make use of plugins

Plugins such as Yoast SEO or Google Analytics are some of the popular plugins and tools available for free. They help in maintaining your blog’s SEO and even assist you in tweaking your blog so that you keep ranking better with your keywords.

Doing SEO for your education blogs is not difficult, but it does require proper technique so that you can rank better. We hope that the suggested tips and tricks help you achieve good traffic to your blogs.
